Thursday, April 12, 2007

Ben turned 2 1/2!

Hello all- this week has been good. My Mom (Nana) has been here visiting, which has been nice to divert my attention a little from our craziness. Benjamin is still talking a ton! Almost daily I here things I've never heard. Today he picked up a toy and noticed the hole in it, then showed it to me and said "hole". He has also been playing cars a ton with his "Little People" garage, and most recently he has started parking the cars under the ramp and with each one he says "park it right here"- it's adorable. One night he even played cars with his nana for nearly a half hour- constant! I know he is saying even more than I know- because a lot of it I just can't decipher exactly what he is saying.
Ben turned 2 1/2 this past weekend- his incrase in speech from 2 to 2 1/2 has been nothing short of dramatic. I remember just back in January we couldn't get him to say "more crackers" he could say "more" and he could say "crackers", but not "more crackers". Wow, we've come a long way! We have a long way to go, but we've come so far- I am so proud.

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