Friday, April 6, 2007

Good Friday! Or is it...

Well, today it actually snowed for a few hours- can you believe that? Our morning was rough- I think Ben was a little tired, which could be to blame, but he also accidentally had something with milk in it yesterday- I'm wondering if there isn't something to this milk-free diet stuff. Screaming and running were multiplied X 10 today. I couldn't get him to listen, and everything frustrated him. Hopefully our afternoon will be better. ..

April is Autism awareness month! Shows displaying autism are everywhere- Oprah yesterday, dateline Wednesday, the View this morning... some of them seem to be good, but most of them are down right depressing. Where are the shows that have the "recovered" children? Maybe that's not reality, but give us some hope, people! Those of us with young kids- newly diagnosed kids, trying our best to do just that! Here is a transcript excerpt from a Larry King clip I saw referenced online-
"And back to the rest of the show, which includes a father making the statement that 80% of couples with autism in the family divorce - a statistic that seems to be supported by his intuition... and a few mentions (via video clips) of how having a child with autism is worse than having a child who dies of cancer... and a really very good incentive for a murder/suicide... "

Oh man that lights a fire under me!
Let it be known now- if we end up beating this- the whole world is going to hear from me!!! But for now, I think I'll go make Easter Bunny cupcakes...


Kim Vance said...

Hello Staffords!
What a wonderful idea to start this page. I know we will all love getting updates on Benjamin's status and I am sure this will help you in answering the same question 500 times. (Just goes to show you have that many people that care about you all!)
Brandy, Ryan, and Benjamin, you are all strong individuals and I know you will all fight through any challenge you are faced with and bust through all those statistics that are being aired on TV. You KNOW you can do it!
Take care, be strong, and lots of love always!!!
Kim and David

Ryan Stafford said...

Those were great cup cakes! Ben's lucky to have a great mom like you!

LU - Ryan