Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A Trip To Dallas

Happy Wednesday! Well, we returned from Dallas Monday to see Benjamin's doc- Dr. Rao. Every time I leave there I keep thinking this stuff sounds really "hokey" and it is costing us a small fortune (like some $100 vitamin drops- one of the 12 supplements he is taking), but then again, I have to keep reminding myself that "something" is making Ben talk more, have better eye contact, etc... so something is working! We got the results back from the gene test we did a few months ago, but I wish I knew more to be able to tell you other than it meant more supplements and more restricted diet. Now we are doing a low protein diet- no red meats, nuts, or beans, or anything with added sulfates. Since we already can't do anything with milk, his little diet is getting smaller and smaller- good thing he's not a picky eater!

We also started doing the transition evaluation for Sooner Start- to see if Ben qualifies for services through the public school system at age 3. So far the standardized testing is showing that he has some splinter skills all over the place. We have only addressed language so far- but he has some language skills (receptive or expressive) that are up into the nearly 5 year old range! I know he's a smart little guy, and it's all in there, we just have to get it to come out!
Ben is continuing to talk more and more- attention is starting to be an issue. Getting him to focus on a task and not run (pace) is difficult and probably will have to be addressed in school. So far, it is looking like Ben is not going to qualify for services, which I have to admit I am happy about! I would like to have the access to services if we so choose, which would be the only down side to not qualifying, but not qualifying also means he's scoring in the "normal" range. We've only done a portion of the test, though, so I don't want to jump to conclusions just yet... The rest will be next Tuesday... I'll let you know!

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